ys one

YS ONE Non-Slip Treatment

31.49 incl. VAT

ys one

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Water-based, anti-slip treatment for ceramic, porcelain stoneware, quartz, and granite

YS ONE is a water-based treatment developed to increase surface grip on ceramic, stoneware, quartz, and granite. YS ONE is a unique product that acts directly on the surface of the material to which it is applied, creating micro-erosions that are invisible to the eye and which boost the run-off of water to increase surface grip and therefore reduce slipping in wet conditions, either with footwear or bare feet. When applied according to the instructions and timeframe provided for the correct use, YS ONE will not
alter the color of the treated material.


✓ Water based
✓ No maintenance required
✓ Long-lasting treatment


This product can be used on both indoor and outdoor surfaces.
Suitable for use on Quartz-resin agglomerate, molten basalt, clinker, granite, polished porcelain stoneware, natural porcelain stoneware, and textured porcelain stoneware. Not suitable for acid-sensitive materials.


10/20 m2/l

Brush, lambswool applicator, roller


Surface preparation
• Carefully clean the surface, making sure to remove any dust or dirt present.
• Never apply YS ONE to wet or damp surfaces. The product must be applied to surfaces that are as dry as possible.
• Apply YS ONE during the coolest periods of the day.
• Do not treat with YS ONE if the flooring is exposed to direct sunlight.
• Apply YS ONE to surfaces with a temperature of between +5 and +40°C
• Any adjacent surfaces not being treated with the product must be protected.
• Remove all pre-existing treatments from the surface to be treated. To get the most from this treatment, it is important for YS ONE to enter into direct contact with the surface of the material.

Contact time assessment
Considering the vast variety of materials that may require antislip treatment, and which are all different in terms of composition, resistance, and surface hardness, to get the maximum results in terms of non-slip quality, without changing the original appearance of the material, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary test to identify the best possible contact time between the surface and YS ONE. The test is carried out before applying the treatment over the whole surface, on a piece of material that has not been laid, or located in a concealed area.water).

In general, the best time intervals can be summed up as follows:
• Ceramic and Stoneware: between 10 and 40 minutes
• Clinker and quartz-based agglomerates: between 30 and 60 minutes
• Granite: between 60 and 90 minutes

• For the daily cleaning of a surface treated with YS ONE, we recommend: NEUGEL or ALGAFLOOR according to the type of material
• For heavy-duty cleaning of a surface treated with B1 700 we recommend: FABER 30 or DETERFUG according to the type of material

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