€70.23 incl. VAT
WET LOOK ECO is a water-based, impregnating, colour-enhancing, stain-proof and wet-look non-filming treatment. It is used to enhance the colour and tone of absorbent surfaces, adding a matt finish without creating a surface film. WET LOOK ECO is recommended for treating natural stone, agglomerates, cotto and terracotta, and all materials with a medium-low, medium and medium-high level of absorption.
Compared to traditional wet-look colour enhancers, WET LOOK ECO penetrates deep into the materials without creating a surface film and it is extremely simple to apply without the risk of uneven aesthetic finishes. WET LOOK ECO thanks to these characteristics, is specifically indicated to be used outdoors or on surfaces that due to their nature, need to withstand conditions with continued presence of water, such as showers, fountains and washbasins. It has a lasting effect, can withstand UV rays and the elements and will not yellow if exposed to sunlight.
WET LOOK ECO provides excellent water-repellent and stain-proof protection, making daily cleaning and maintenance easier.
✓ Strong colour-enhancing features
✓ Penetrates deeply inside the material
✓ Stainproof protection
✓ It enhances the veins and the aesthetic of the material
✓ Excellent water and oil-repellent features
✓ Matt finish
✓ Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
This product can be used both indoors and outdoors.
Suitable for use on:
Cement-marble agglomerate,
Marble-resin agglomerate,
Quartz-resin agglomerate,
Basaltina - Lava rock,
Molten basalt,
Concrete tiles,
Reconstituted (eco) stone,
and Tuff.
15/20 m2/l
Brush, lambswool applicator, roller
Preparing and cleaning the surface
• Carefully clean the surface, making sure to remove any dust or dirt present.
• Never apply WET LOOK ECO to wet or damp surfaces.
• Apply WET LOOK ECO to surfaces with a temperature between +5 and +40°C
• Any areas not to be treated must be protected.
• Apply an even, thick layer of product to a clean, dry surface with the preferred tool, making sure to cover the whole surface.
• About 5-10 minutes after the application, before the product dries, proceed to re-distribute evenly the excess product using the same tool used for the application.
• If the treatment is applied to more absorbing materials, the product will be absorbed without leaving any residues. It is also possible to apply a second coat of product, using the same method. Wait 2-3 hours between applications.
• If the treatment has been applied to more compact and therefore, less absorbing materials, where the product is not completely absorbed, it is necessary to proceed to remove all residues thoroughly to avoid having greasy patinas.
• This needs to be done about 20-30 minutes after the application by brushing the surface dry, using a standard single disk machine (1.5 HP, 175 rpm) with white or lambswool disc or wool-cotton attachment.
• Alternatively, on tops, vertical surfaces, or small areas, residues can be removed with a rotatory handtool using a white disc or pad, or a compact felt or wool-cotton cloth.
• To maximize the effectiveness of the stain-proof protection, the intensity of the color, and the durability of the treatment, it is possible to wait from 20 minutes up to a maximum of one hour, before removing residues, to allow the product to penetrate fully and deep down into the more compact materials. By doing so the surface residues may be slightly harder to remove.
Drying time
The product is fast drying. It approximately takes 1-2 hours for the product to dry.
Opening to floor traffic
The surface can be opened to floor traffic about 4-6 hours after the application.
• For everyday cleaning of a surface treated with WET LOOK ECO, we recommend NEUGEL or ALGAFLOOR
• For heavy-duty cleaning of a surface treated with WET LOOK ECO, we recommend FABER 30 or DETERFUG, according to the type of material.
• For de-waxing a surface treated with WET LOOK ECO we recommend DEC 21 and/or DECERA P
• Never apply the product on wet surfaces.
• If the product is applying the product as a stain-proof treatment on a material that has already been primed with a high penetrating water-repellent sealer, wait for this to dry completely before applying WET LOOK ECO
• Apply the product to surfaces with a temperature between +5 and +40°C
• When applying to recently laid or grouted surfaces, wait for the adhesive or grout to cure completely.
• Thoroughly remove product residues as previously described to prevent any problems linked to greasiness on the surface.
• Before applying the product to the whole surface, it is advisable taking a preliminary test
on an unexposed area to check its suitability.